
Keyword research is a process with the help of which we do research to find the most searched words on search engines by linking these popular search engines. Keyword research is the most important part of SEO. With the help of which we can increase the rank. of our site.

On Google or other search engines, we only search for any content with the help of keywords. The goal of keyword research is to find words that lead to high traffic gains on search engines.

Keyword research is a search engine optimization task used to identify related words when people enter search engines looking for similar topics. Search Engine Optimization which is research on keywords, which is used to achieve better ranking in search engines.

Keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, KWfinder, MOZ Keyword Explorer, Keyword Everywhere, SEMrush are the best SEO research tools for startups.

Without keyword research, we cannot know which keyword optimizes our blog. Which can bring more traffic to our blog.

Keyword research is an SEO practice used to find alternative search terms. This is the most popular and important SEO function by which popular words and phrases are identified.

keyword types

  • Short tail keyword
  • Long tail keyword
  • Mid tail keyword

Short Tail Keywords:

These are single words like SEO, Social etc. These types of keywords are highly searched. There is also a lot of competition on these and they do not give better results either.

2. Long Tail Keywords:

Such keywords consist of more than 2-3 words like complete SEO tutorials etc. They are highly targeted and help in getting targeted traffic to your site. Their search volume is very low and they don't have much competition.

3. Mid Tail Key:

These are made up of two words like SEO Tutorial etc. They also have high monthly searches and moderate competition.

Why Keyword Research is Important for SEO:

If you want to bring more traffic to your blog and you want to get instant success in blogging, then keyword research is your first step. This is more important because almost every online business has a lot of competition on keywords.

Best tools for keyword research

  • Google Trends
  • Keyword Generator
  • Keyword Sheeter
  • Answer the Public
  • Keyword Surfer
  • Ubersuggest
  • Keyword Everywhere
  • Keyworded
  • Google Search Console
  • Bulk Keyword Generator
  • Google Keyword Planner

Benefits of Keyword Research:

If you write every post by doing Keyword Research, then your blog will get maximum targeted traffic and your post will soon rank in Google.

The higher your post ranks in search engines. The higher will be the domain authority of your site.

With the help of keyword research, you will also get ideas for the content of your blog.

With keyword research, you can rank your blog for specific keywords.

The more people your post reaches, the more shares your post will get and the more traffic it will get.

With the help of Keyword Research, you can know what is the competition of a particular keyword and how much effort you need to get high traffic.

The more keywords your site ranks in Google, the higher its ranking.

If you want more organic traffic from Google search engine then you should do keyword search.

The traffic you will get by ranking keywords in google earns more than both ads and affiliate market.

Keyword research is the first and foremost step that should come to your mind while starting with your optimization mission. It's just researching and zeroing in on the terms a user will probably search for (in a given search engine) that is directly (or sometimes, indirectly) related to your business/products/services.

So, if you are an advertising agency based in California, users searching for 'ad agency california' will be able to find you in the search engine's organic list. 

How do you do keyword research?

Understand your website to generate your keyword goals:

Scan through your website and make a list of all related keywords. Then, make a list of all possible keywords keeping in mind your niche. Keyword selection is even easier if you are already clear about your business/product/service propositions.

Another cool way to get ideas for your keywords is the 'Google Suggest' feature. Supposedly, your business is into selling wedding dresses, you simply type wedding dresses into the search bar and a drop down of related searches will popup- these are the suggested keywords you can target.

To go even deeper, start typing 'wedding dresses A' on the search bar - a few more ideas will pop up:

Do this with all letters. This way you can have a pool of keyword measures from which you can easily narrow down to your required list of keywords.

Another way to find keyword ideas is through Google's 'Related Searches' section; This further refines your search terms:

Research the audience and understand their intent:

Get into the user's shoes when deciding on keywords for your website. Do some research about what customers are looking for, such as:

What they look for when they want to learn something - Find out about the product/service you offer, pricing, etc.

What they look for when they want to do something- buy, create an account, signup, make a purchase, connect with you, etc.

The best way to find out is by scanning forums, social media platforms to see the search terms that people are using in their conversations. Additionally, you can place a small feedback form on your website, requesting customers to tell you what keywords they used to visit your website or where they found a reference to your website.

Analyze Competitors:

This is the most challenging and essential part of your keyword research. The whole purpose of a marketing campaign is to be better and ahead of your competitors. First you need to know about the competitors in your niche. So if your business is for wedding dresses located in Illinois, California, you can easily type it into the search bar. The results that appear on the SERPs are those of your competitors.

Keyword research is the process by which you research popular search terms that people type into search engines like Google, and incorporate them strategically into your content so that your content appears higher on the search engine results page (SERP). Give. Keyword research is a fundamental exercise in search engine optimization (SEO).

The keyword research process involves choosing a topic for your content that focuses on a set of target keywords for which you want your content to rank.

SEO has conducted keyword research for algorithms since 2005. But keyword research as a practice has evolved a lot since then. Now search engines prefer well-written content, which aligns with the search intent, while ranking the content. Keyword density (how often you put keywords in your content) is no longer the most important factor for search engine optimization. Keyword research strategies have adapted, and continue to adapt, to constantly changing search engine algorithms.

Hi! I'm Google AdWords Certified Digital Marketer with over 7+ year's of industry experience. We have Expertise in Google Ads, YouTube Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Lead Generation, Email Marketing, Landing Page Design, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Handling, SEO, PPC, SMM, SEM, GMB, Website Design and Development. If you need any help regarding Digital Marketing services then contact us any time. Contact us at seoresponse.vinod@gmail.com


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